we went down to the Flea Pit yesterday to the desonis event: Anrea Belfi, is great, if you have ever the chance to see him live playing a solo set, you should jump on the occasion. Had Been Eliminated were a different matter at all. They arrived drunk, got more drunk, didnt get their kit organized, were - simply - annoying. However, some of their stuff, has potential as well, I must admit, subject to discussion with my lovely girlfriend who believe it was an utter waste of time... maybe she has a point...
Now what kind of music is it, you wonder, well lets phrase it this way: it brought up the though in me whether acoustic feedback, structured and tamed white and pink noise, are today's (21st century) tribal sounds. Think of musicians you might know, Aphex Twin or Square Pusher, you will find the same, its noise, and lots of feedback, think about caustic windows, not too unexpectedly you get to hear 1KHz pure sinus for some minutes, and still it has something to it, when slowly and unexpected structures and patterns emerge... Possibly its a deeply embedded fractal cognition that makes those sounds and patters so easy to appreciate, and I believe even cro-magnons living 25000 years ago would have appreciated them as well. Or think about Kapsberger. You might not realize right away but what he does grooves in the same kind of way... listen to this.
Coming back to Andrea Belfi, he basically does what Eberhard Weber has done for a long time, creating sounds and themes, recording and sampling them live while playing to them, thus creating a multi layered sound scape, but whereas Weber does it in a traditional musical way, Andrea Belfi does it much more with sounds and rhythm only, much more subtle and minimalistic. It is music that lives just from being, rather than the Bach type of music that which finds its justification in development of and its internal logic.
the cyborg body and artistic expression of women through decorating the burgeois household
while having sm sex, receiving golden showers and getting fucked up the arse with black horse-dick replicas... and some other peculiarities in sexual expression
Music you want to listen to while reading this: sorry, I really cant think of anything...
I have to share an observation with you, one I made last night: there is this website, I tell you in a second where I know it from and why I visit it, but for the time being suffice it to say that is shows images of people - naked people - but that is not what I wanted to share, I am sure were aware of such wonders of the internet already!
but something totally different: have a look at these fantastic images
well? what do you see?
not talking about the people! have a closer look, fantastic augenweiden await you...
the decoration of the rooms in question of course! you get my point. honestly, how can one have a decent wank if you have to look at such living room interiors?!?! that the actual subjects of photography are actually in most cases even less attractive should be the topic of another tirade, but then again, this would be too much for your noble eyes, the reason I will spare you most of it at this point.
but still. for your eyes only, have another look at how the homes of the pervs across the world look like.
Disillusoins you, doesnt it, right?
We know that this slut loves to swallow cum, good girl, but hey her living room gives me an even bigger erection... so forget the girl, lets jack off over cheap china with badly printed flower patterns, over oak-imitation furniture, knitted doilies, let's heavily cum onto suede couches, velvet cushions, moss-green carpet and kitchy vases and statues of the bourgeois household. and if you cant get yourself to squirt fluids over such lovely highlights of interior design, those guys will do it for you :)
Now if it is true, what I read years ago - still being a student - while doing research on BladeRunner, namely that
“In Blade Runner , costume both encases and exposes the body, and becomes a tool of self-examination and revelation. Costume and masquerade have traditionally been the outlet for the vague artistic longings of women denied "real" art, and it is reassuring to see these "feminine" arenas achieve stature. "Such decorative concerns were of course more usually associated with the middle-class woman, who, while being denied the possibility of creating great art, was encouraged to exercise her aesthetic sense in the decoration of herself and the intimate interior of the bourgeois household." (Felski, Rita; "The Gender of Modernity"; Harvard University Press; Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England; 1995) This feminine focus on the artifice of personal appearance has been associated with the "unnatural" body of women. The artificial or prosthetic qualities of costuming can be paralleled with the artificial or cyborg body presented in Blade Runner . "Natural" human identity is under scrutiny in Blade Runner , and costume at times becomes the interrogator of this elusive self. The long history of "aestheticization of women", marked by "elaborate regimes of grooming", has resulted in the creation of the modern woman as a fashion cyborg. (ibi.) "In becoming identified with such conventionalized [costume] signifiers, femininity loosened itself from its moorings in the natural body. . ." (ibid.) This new cyborg of fashion may prove liberating to women, insofar as it represents awareness of the self and the ability to define the boundaries of the natural body, or, potentially, confining insofar as it requires divorce from the "natural" or biological body.” [By Francesca Myman, 1996, Femmes Fatales in Film, Professor Angela Dalle Vacche]
Now I am not sure whether this article is crap, one of those overly research driven ejaculations of a liberated female student who would do research into topics like Women in Public Services Management, ... or the like... and thus is totally pointless, or more likely, the author might have been right, which then gives rise to questions as per whether
this "art" has been lost - unlikely -
what we see is It - scary scary scary -
what we see is actually misunderstood or badly execution - more likely -
or they just gave a shit.
Depending on which stance we choose to adopt it is equally frightening, because either it is not realized how bad it actually is, it is not bad and I am just imagining it, or people dont care, which then raises to me the question, how can someone be such an aesthetical low-life to actually be able to cope with such a "design" situation?! And believe me it is not about not being able to shop at designer stores. money is not the issue. Empty space would be better than this.
Or is it that their lives are so fulfilled - presumably with the sexual pleasures displayed [sic] - that they just dont realized, through all this happyness... It is really hard to say.
To make a very ill-fittig example here, some years ago I chose to spend two very cold and rainy nights with a Majan family in the Hondourian rainforest, and although those people are really poor - poor on the global scale: when we met the man of the family he was overly excited as he had just invested a small fortune in 12 little chicken, which they would raise in the first few days in a box at their feet when sleeping - makes you not wonder anymore where avian flue is coming from - but hey what can they do - and get me right, the place was dry and clean, BUT it was windy, and cold, no proper chimney, holes in the walls… And they found it could as well. Why the heck wouldnt they be able, over a series of years to build a half decent house? Get me right these are farmers, not some beggars in a slum in Puerto Barrios... They just didnt know better, never crossed their minds I believe... same above?
but the above you say are living in Europe, have a different background, yes they do, but do they? working class or the Praekariat as they are so nicely called in Germany are maybe so far detached as the farmers in their cloudy hills above the beaches of Honduras. Now I dont want to raise the question here whether we should rouse their attention to this, to help them or better not to protect the current status quo, or whether we actually have the right to! I also don’t want to go here into thoughts about how human evolution could have happened if it goes so wrong in such little areas, if – and now I am definitively coming back to Europe, as this comparison wouldn’t stand in Middle America due to several reasons – laziness, frustration and null-motivation are something society has to accept in a small/big part of their population, or whether this is a new, much bigger problem… I believe it has to do with this: Speaking to my Dad – who used to be a banker – and now being retired does some consulting work, he complained about mistakes being made by people from a major German Bank, stupid, childish mistakes, but on a scale of several Billion Euros which will not only bring problems to the main investors, but also to employees. Now I am wondering as per this is not the normal status. Is it possible that in the past only certain senior and experienced people, supported by processes protected by strong hierarchies, were actually making such decisions, so that such faults, committed by the “masses” were just not an issue, but are now, as everyone studies, empowerment and flat structures are the thing surfacing? Now get me right, being not a genius is not a problem at all! But not seeing that is!
So again, how can people live in such places, when it would be so easy to change, or is it that taste and as such cant be discussed. But what if there is no taste?
So now I am off to the bathroom, and will cum bigtime onto the pink fluffy carpet... after all I am living in a country where they do such things - I mean like putting carpets into their bathrooms...
shag a mermaid - specifically if she is called Shilpa Shetty - and makes advertisements for - I never could find out what - shag her at the Oberoi Bangalore pool, under palm-trees
a eat a Hindu Cow, if there are any holy animals at all, than it must be those, honestly, just see how they walk!
kill a president - oh, I have one in mind specifically - but most others would do to satisfy my immediate desire
shoot the guide dog of a blind member SCOPE - I do owe you the explanation for the time being
non-synchronized society - I do also owe you an explanation for that, think about Monocultures for the time being, I will chuck more stuff in here soon…
work for a big consultancy for big clients bomb a big consultancy and torch their clients
shake those of us who by branded goods and support the excesses of globalization, capitalism and imperialism. and then go shopping for some Stella McCartney Adidas sportswear which would look so prefect on my girlfriend
it is actually interesting to understand that there are certain inalienable truth that can not be proven. Let’s assume for this article that this is true, and that I understand Gödel’s Theorem correctly. If you want to dig into this, a good point to start is Douglas R Hofstadter’s Gödel, Escher, Bach: To summarize the theorem:
“To every w-consistent recursive class k of formulae there correspond recursive class-signs r, such that neither v Genr nor Neg (v Gen r) belongs to Flg (k) (where v is the free variable of r).
Actually it was in German, and perhaps you feel that it might as well be in German anyway. So here is a paraphrase in more normal English:
All consistent axiomatic formulations of number theory include undecidable propositions.” Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach, 2000, Penguin Books, p17
“Gödel’s proof pertained to any axiomatic system…. In short, Gödel showed that provability is a weaker notion than truth, no matter what axiomatic system is involved.” Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach, 2000, Penguin Books, p19
Now applying this onto the universe – which – definitively in religious terms is an axiomatic system: there we go: Gives those religious fanatics amongst you ideas, yeah, right: just learn that with religion you do NOT have to prove, because if you cant, then why do it at all? That is maybe a silly thought from rational point of view, but I believe in relation to religion it is the way to go:
“What?” you are saying now, is this writer crazy? He claims to be an enlightened human being – enlightened in the renessaince-ical way, not in the hindu or budhist way (not yet – and unfortunately unlikely ever) and too individual for the Christian or Moslem way - - - so he claims to be enlightened per the above definition and rational and logical thinking and then he plays those religious fanatics powerful arguments into their hands!
The reasoning behind why it is actually possible to live this contradiction of not believing in God and at the same time to be a rationally thinking being at the same time is explored elsewhere, so that for this short chapter it is ok to assume it is possible.
Now the only point I am trying to make here is that as a religion and/or a church – again thoughts about their difference being explained elsewhere elsewhere - you not only have to prove, but SHOULD NOT, MUST NOT prove!!!
BECAUSE, if you try to explain that Jesus – me being Christian, but feel encouraged to adopt this for your own religious disputes - was conceived through instantaneous sprouting – as, apparently some catholic clerics try to explain the Lady Mary’s virginity with (sorry cant find the source) then the only thing you get is either ridiculous or will be proven wrong later: well, in the case of the Catholic Church it is assume that not acknowledging facts helps somehow. Not sure about that, but fact is that a possible mistake in dealing with Galileo was acknowledging only some hundred years after! this sailor did the Magellan-thing and by miracle appeared again on the other side.
For those of you not being Christian, let me explain that in Catholicism certain things commonly assumed as being symbols are actually not symbols at all: The Lady Mary giving birth to Jesus Christ the son of God, but still being a Virgin, the wine and bread that you are offered during Eucharisty during Mass actually being the Blood and Body of Christ (the way of Jesus Christ telling us human beings that he is dying for us and we can take part in him by consuming him, as I understand it as a sign that we can do the same – meaning living good/perfect and should participate and give our best to society).
"Then he took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body, 19b which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me." 20 And he did the same with the cup after supper, saying, " This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.." (Lk.22:19-20 Gk. N.T. UBS. 3rd ed.1990
or talking about marketing
The Protestants believe this to be a symbol – we Catholics don’t, well shouldnt!. Believe me, I do not get it. But then again, walking through Hackney one Saturday night at 200am, I made a quite weird experience: staggering along the pavement quite pleasantly drunk from or to a bar, I realized people in the street: well you say, this is hackney, so people buying crack, or coming out of a club, but no, how wrong you are: it was people participating in a Baptist Mass at “God’s Sanctuary”, and they were standing outside because the church, a previous shopfront was actually full! And they were speaking in tongues, not even realizing I was passing between them, some having their toddlers with them… Now I am sure these people would surely believe that they have just tasted blood and body, and would understand the above. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, I leave to you to decide…
Now this brings us back to what I was actually about to say: If you are a Religion, don’t get ridiculous. You don’t HAVE to prove. You are outside scientific reasoning. That is not to say it is ok whatever you do, but this is some marketing advise, and it is to say that if you go down to that level, you will only loose. So just don’t. People wont mind, but they will if you try to compete on a level where you simply cant, because the rules are not yours. Get me right, you still have to have a justification for actions generally I believe founded in personal or general good but more about this elsewhere.
So the main rule is: Do not try to compete with renaissance, or with science. Be mythical!
Have you ever been to Notre Dame on Ester Saturday, meditated in a Buddhist monastery on a rainy October afternoon in Darjeeling, burned incense for Ganesha? Whatever religion you chose to believe in – or more likely your parent chose that you should believe in - , you do the above should It is about the darkness of a Gothic Cathedral, when Gregorian Chorals are chanted in total darkness, and slowly, very slowly at first, but then ever faster, burning candles are passed from the back to the front, casting golden rays of light through scented air, pregnant with copal, bathing everyone in pure golden brightness?
* * *
oh yeah right, the heading: while reading Gödel, Escher, Bachmentioned above, it draws references to Bach's Musical Offering - dont ask me how and why, but a highly recommended read - which right away, I obviously I right away had to listen to. And you will now! beautiful. And as I did, I had a nostalgic flash-back, so I had to download Duke Nukem.
To bring you even more into the right mood! Repopulation so now I am playing Duke Nukem 3D while listening to Bach. simple hey? So get down there, and shoot some Aliens!
love to you all especially to those sweet religious fanatics out there, hey, possibly Libanon is all sanitized within a week, looks already like Dresden.(actually now, as this article is finished, Libanon is: you fuckers! You know who you are.)