
its quite interesting how quick you little fuckers are at perverting things

Music you want to listen to while reading this:
Sushi 4004

an addendum to the pleasures of Virtual Reality SecondLife: Fuck Off because of something I read in CT (for those who dont know, it is the one and only hard and software magazine - a German one) on a friend's toilet the other day...

so here I am: floating in cherenkov-radiation-illuminated full immersion gel of a VR tank, somewhere in suburbia, writing this text from a perfect replica of my nicely clean real world suburbian bungalow which is as off-putting and depressing as is the shithole where you eat, shag, shit and sleep, leave from to work and drag yourselves back to when you come from shopping, entertainment or any other form of consumption, namely the wet dream of any neo-liberal, conservative, bible-belt, corporate - oh you are all the same - asshole - writing this text on the prefect replica of an i-mac, listening to music directly induced into my cochlea, played on a virtual copy of my 80 gig iPod, sitting on my virtual Habitat sofa, having my taste buds electronically tricked into believing that I am drinking 25000 year old deep-ground ice age water sourced so deep that even the leaking nuclear dumpside next to the flat wont reach it from a simulated IKEA glas
... or aren't I...

I know you'd love that too, but hey, I just read what is even better: you can have your little online slaves working for you. Huh your are saying, where is the fun in that. I know Hogtied, SlavesInPain, or are you suggesting illegal software labouring for me, but mate, where would be the fun in that? That is exactly it. It isnt, you can have your real slaves. Consentual, but still dependent (imperialism kin do) - yeah, that makes you itchy or hard I know - and it gets better, Chinese. Now I am talking, right, makes you cream your pants, gets you soaking wet... I know... no worries, I let you know how... knowledge of that extraordinary and society improving kind has to be promoted after all!

Apparently you can book some Chinese rice farmer's son, or lets make it a dozen, who moved to the City in expectation of a better live, but will labour for you in World of Warcraft, and those little nippy weasels will - for say a dollar a day - search for you virtual gold, labour in virtual slavecamps to increase your online richness in Warcraft, so you can become a hotshot online, and they can afford some moldy rice for their 7 children and still send some penny's home.

"Hey how great" do you think, "24 hours online gaming and getting paid for it, bring me there". Yeah. Think again! You will have to sift through electronic realms, looking endlessly for needles in haystacks, until your eyes are bleeding, your neck hurts like hell, the tendons in your hands cant click a mouse, cant type a key no more, until hamstrings - from the long sitting - have shrunk so much that you cant really walk anymore
because this is what happens to the guys...
so beware when You die, your private Sisyphus type of hell is waiting for you, and that's how it is looking

so if you find your normal lifes so horrible, that you have to escape reality - as from time to time we all do - and hey, that is ok - then at least - and even if you have to do it all the time - dont involve anyone else or fuck with some virtual being - now obviously your ways of fucking with them might horribly go wrong when those become aware and you will see what happens to you trying to fend off group minds or AIs at the brink of awareness, when they are starting to corrupt your limbics...
but (un)fortunately we are not there yet, so I am getting up from the Habitat sofa, and morph the furniture, the flat, the tableware, its wallpapers, bathtubs, beds, carpets and cushions, doilies and bunches of dried flowers into brilliant multidemensional shapes, and shag my personal virtual angel, black haired in a 60s dresses with wings as white as snow, breast as pert as apples, with a sex coloured like dragon fruit, wet as melting water on a spring day...

SecondLife: Fuck Off

Music you want to listen to while reading this:
Baz Luhrman: Everybody's Free (to Wear Sunscreen)

Some days ago I visited SecondLife (you don't even get the credit of a link), to see what it is about, and I should have known it from its logo. All I can say sofar: Fuck Off you blody bastards. All of you!
In summary: I believe that in participating all that is non-, counter- and inhumane is supported communicated and exagerated, will be ingrained into and bequeathed by social and genetic memory and thus just lead to nothing good. So why dont you just let go?! And hey, I am not talking about those who actually build and operate the thing, YOU are a totally different matter, but then again, you are Americans - get me right, by that I am not talking about ethnics and genetics I am talking about That what makes The American, THAT what makes global justice, peace, economy and freedom feel so nicely, for instance in Irak, Afghanistan, and Lebanon, the essence of The American, the clear and assured understanding of all things, and the sense of mission to beat those pure thoughts into everyone else. Now this might explain some things, then again, not very much I feel, this would be too easy, so in a short sentence: Fuck Off or if there is a hell, you will find yourselves there. We will come to the 7 deadly sins a little later...
But let me elaborate

A though before I start rambling on
Why is it that most people in SecondLife do not build those fantastic castles the dreamt of as children, but replicate fucking deepest suburbia here? Create a 1:1 copy of their "sad" lives? Their bad branded clothes, their worse cars and badly build, badly furnished houses?
If you believe this to be an argument against me claiming that people want to escape base-reality, then why the fuck replicate I at all?
No I guess it is because, people have those extreme dreams, but when it comes to realizing them - in base or virtual reality - they are all just weak and lazy, very sad fucks…

Yes, I should have known from the logo!
I have never been a big friend of conspiracy theories - by the way - a friend tells me they are something humans have - kind of - inbuilt - as they cant seem to be able to believe that small things might trigger massive events - see butterfly effect I guess - hey, shouldnt we be enlightened, reasonable beings by now, this is 21st century after all, not even pre-renaissance, but anyway - I personally feel - correct me if I am wrong that it is even worse, humans are just not build to accept happiness on top of all that.
More on that later
So what about the logo? Just feel it is far too factious. Feels like one of those "Hey, lets all get together, Someone will tell you what to do and all will be good." On top of that, as I said, I am not a friend or believer of/in conspiracy theories, but why the hand, why the eye - again? A sign, a bad joke or just a bad designer? Feel free to dive into thoughts about Free Masons, The Hand, Illuminati, the significance of 23- I havent found the Pyramid sofar, but it is surely there somehwere, between SuperContext and Barblith (now those are two things I feel I feel I could connect to but thats part of another entry of this blog a little later): Anyway YOU MUST READ MORE GRANT MORRISON! you will see why when you did. if you allowed yourselves to understand...

And by its name!
Why would you want a second life? Longer possibly, another afterwards ok, but an exchange live? Is your first one - and to be precise dont call either one the REAL LIFE!! - so miserable? What about those that have a really miserable life, say those that are starving to death, suffer violence or war. But still have energy and resources to go venture virtual? Well those are surely you are misdirecting then and this is phlegm in its worst from.
So your living conditions aren't so bad then, on the global scale. Now: dont you LOVE to be you? hmmm maybe you are YOU in SecondLife too, or more there, or only there? WHY the hell? Dont you love to be here, that is in your first live? I could imagine some instance where people would want to go virtual, would want to be immersed, get rid of a body that is say disabled, but that is not what this all is about, isnt it?
Oh no!
This is about living the 7 deadly sins to their full extend, isnt it?

So here you have the perfect virtual real estate - and forget for a moment about financing hardware - once of the first things you see is that you can purchase!!!! real estate with virtual money. Not even talking about the option to exchange US$ for virtual $. Now why not come up with a perfect world, why not come up with a world where there are no boundaries, there is no class differences?
This is NOT about compensation - do not bullshit me - this is about power, the need to oppress and control
Ahh, and from Greed we directly come to Trickerywhich is triggered by it, and then to Lying, and that brings up a totally new question: is this place more honest - or a much bigger lie! I think it is the escape from reality, which brings us to Sloth (as I mentioned above).
Lazyness - originally Sadness - or uneasness of the mind, discontent
Dante calls it the absence of love: and hey guess what, this is the reason you poor fuckers come here... too lazy to change base reality...
or are you just too scared to change…

Gluttony, another vice of excess
Well in virtual terms, I dont believe in that, and the concept is meaningless, once Greed is resolved. But as we apparently are little greedy bastards, and lazy ones as well, so we need this as a control function. But surely, only very little control in virtual terms would be required to manage all this, say by meassuring usage and impact to others? Truly, virtual resources come free (except where they interface with the real world in say storage, computing power, etc. but this could be paid by fixed fees, not by a full market system in place to make some fuckers exploit (addicted?) users). Now I have just read that there is a security flaw that allows to copy code and reuse code used for buildings, clothes, etc within SecondLife, and that this is assumed to possibly destroy not only its economy, but the entire concept. How interesting? If I created something, why would I be bothered if other people used it as well, except if I had paid for it or was extremely selfish… (I get the copyright protection issue, and why it might be necessary to pay for someone to design, but again this is not what my ranting is about). Now thanks for showing this security gap, it is unlikely though people will learn from it, rather they will try to close it…

ah yeah, detraction from the love to god - or the powers that be - hmm not talking about that here - () - excessive love of yourself (that is more one of the above), or others, especially should harm come to them hmm we all get that - the desire for excitement, specifically sexuality. I guess we all agree that this sin is about control. Control yourself (good), control thy neighbour or citizen (bad). In this case, I guess - at least as the current authorities would view it - we should actually support this sin.
What does that mean in terms of 2ndLife? Ha! Very simple: Currently it doesnt work. You CANT shag online, well you can, but then what, get your webcam out, your cybersuit on, some iVibrator, and off we go.
Clearly only half optimal solution - currently
or do I personally just not get the fascination of virtual sex? Am I missing something here? Reason this is so important is that quite some people claim that online relationships have serious advantages (at the beginning at least)… hmm

Pride and Arrogance
I must say, I do not fully subscribe to this being the most original and serious sin: As self-aware beings, we are - by design - allowed a certain pride in who we are, what we do…, and we are allowed a certain arrogance over those who don't use their capabilities to the fullest (not those with lesser capabilities).
But it is also clear, why this is called "The devil's favourite sin..." all the things people do out of pride, arrogance and overestimation of their abilities: creating hierarchy, classes, castes, the arrogance of those in power above those who are not.
So, SecondLifers, do you love yourselves too much or not at all? How about your love/tolerance towards others? Do you create bridges or walls with SecondLife, do you share, enhance others, or just improve yourselves?

By the way, by now you must have realized that this is not about the sins in relation to God - whatever that concept might mean to you - but about relation between other living beings. Hmm that actually brings an important aspect to mind, about whether AI and social-genetic-group-ideas or hive-minds are actual beings... surely worth another entry.

Wrath, Hatred and Anger, Envy and Jealousy
Lets see where we go with virutal environments in the future, I can well imagine having certain real estates for certain groups, cant you? Do you remember this C64 game that went along the lines of "How many Jews do you want to kill today..." Now SecondLife seems closely controlled and not more prone to those sins than the normal world, but think about what you could do to an Avatar : if you could… and no one new… Now obviously this would be true of every virtual environment.


So go to hell
you weak and greedy bastards, flee into your virtual world, and let the real one go wasted, but believe me, you will feel the effects, you will just be more miserable in base reality, and we are not yet in a state where you watch with awe endless rows of full-body immersion tanks with sleepers illuminated in fluorescent green, dreaming endless virtual dreams, under 1000ands of meters of ice age ice. You will have to face base reality from time to time and it will hit you everytime harder…

But I'd love Virtual Reality
Get me right, I understand the advantages, I would love to be able to fly, to change appearance, to model and build, to create, to interact in better and more comprehensive ways. But in a truly democratic, non-capitalist, non-totalitarian and non-fascist system only! Where there is true freedom and liberty for the individual and neither control of the any body nor control of the masses, nor of any kind of market. Ok, certain rules must exist, I understand, but there are better ones. (I just wanted to say than market-economies and what evolution is based on, hmm need to think about that actually).
I also understand why we need early adopters, and for that I salute thee, but you see that this is going in the wrong direction, nothing good will come out of this. In the best case it will be equal to the shitty (is it really?) situation we have right now

And do not join
Do NOT feel pressured to participate, just because SUN now have their SecondLife presence, and their CEO fraternizes with the common avatars. DONT! He is not here to have fun, otherwise he wouldnt tell all those newspapers about it. He is here because he is afraid to miss out. What? Business I guess. And you are the lambs driven to consumption.

But we like it, let us have some fun, please
you say. Right, then be honest, do something that is a game, play HalfLife or Halo for Christ's sake! No pretence here, it is what it says on the package.

And believe me, it is NOT BETTER than the real thing
At the current state of technology - mainly interfaces - it cannot be even equal. Dont believe the brainwashing bullshit they feed you about "community". Have you ever seen Democracy working? Why should this be different, except that this is better controlled? But - you say - we can vote with our feet, or can hack it - can you? - and if you can, or participate in baseworld demorcacy, why dont you buy some guns and shoot some baseworld presendents for a start? That would so some good. But you wont, you are lazy [sic!] and your are afraid[sic!]!!!! So you dont deserve better!!!!!!!

Dont by beauty magazines (they will only make you feel ugly) and dont immserse yourselves in SecondLife (you know why by now and if you dont, you are just pretending)

So, closing off
Why is it that most people in SecondLife do not build those fantastic castles the dreamt of as children, but replicate fucking deepest suburbia here? Create a 1:1 copy of their "sad" lives? Their bad branded clothes, their worse cars and badly build, badly furnished houses?
If you believe this to be an argument against me claiming that people want to escape base-reality, then why the fuck replicate I at all?
No I guess it is because, people have those extreme dreams, but when it comes to realizing them - in base or virtual reality - they are all just weak and lazy, very sad fucks…

Fucking hell, invest dreams, energy, resources and capabilities in one world and don't fritter them around to create bad copies of mediocre originals!!!

What some fuck wrote

"Any criticism is a form of violence!"

Do people seriously believe this shit? In my experience people claiming this, are exactly those people who can define good, bad, god, love, fear, sex, democracy, equality, right wrong, justice, with few words and will not discuss about it.

Criticism may hurt, but it is good, otherwise nothing would change! And obviously it incites discussion!

Today an Obituary

With deep regret and tears in our eyes we mourn the death of gotcum.blogspot.com/ a true friend over the past year, always good for a quick distraction, massive laugh or just a dream-become pixels…
We will miss you…

For those of you who don't know what the heck I am talking about, a description I found somewhere on the web (sorry lost source): "The concept is simple. Gentlemen from around the world, for want of a better term, do their load over pictures of female celebrities and then post the results for everyone to see. Apparently the've "done" Britney Spears 36 times. Shakira cops it twice on the same page."
Now then it goes on "The whole concept is very disturbing and surely, at the risk of sounding like SGS, a grand violation of the Blogger Terms and Conditions amongst other things. For instance donâ't you think the lawyers for Halle Berry, Victoria Beckham and Clare Danes might have something to say about their clients being featured on the internet covered in jizz with the odd wank shot thrown in as well? You wouldn't think they'd welcome it that's for sure."

Well, I get the point, just let me know: what were you searching for, to find the block in the first place?

Secondly, as strange as it might sound, I strongly believe this is not about insult or affront, this is a very (male) type of expressing appreciation - and honestly, look at those girls, the way they appear in movies, magazines, newspapers... come on they love to be a sex symbol, and well, if that means in the 21st century to be wanked on/about, well so be it...

Thinking about, I feel it is a lot to do with (sub)cultural expression, art (?) and aesthetics, and obviously fantasies and dreams become pixel, doped up by lots of testosterone and steroids. If you dont get what I mean, you should surf more porn. seriously, there is things out there you wouldnt believe, but things that are not disgusting or scary, things that are extremely strange and beautiful at very minute levels, but you will realize only if you are prepared let go of your preconceptions... and of course go to the right sites (obviously you wont find that stuff on www.sex.com and its likes, a little more digging is required).
To prevent being called a hypocrite, I dont say I am not enjoying standard porn from time to time, but this is totally different, most of them are not even about sex in the standard definition. And just for the record (the stuff I am talking about is all safe and consentual! and no kiddyporn please!!!!! that doesnt mean its all legal, but that is a different discussion).
Thinking about it, there is scope for another entry a little later maybe...


The "Ashely Treatment" or what the fuck is a "Pillow Angel"?

Music you want to listen to while reading this:
There surely can only bo no music to this topic

I believe most of you have come across Ashely in one way or the other over the past view days: BBC, Guardian and god knows who else have been writing about this 9 year old, strongly disabled girl, whose parent's, their her doctors and medical 'advisers' have devised the so-called "Ashley Treatment" to improve the girl's quality of live.

"Ashley is a 9 year old who lives in the Western United States. Her case has sparked a huge medical ethics debate having to do with rare medical conditions and parent's medical decision making ability for a child.
Ashley was born with a rare condition of the brain called static encephalopathy. What does this mean? The best way I've seen it described is a type of permanent brain damage. This type of condition is associated with a lot of disabilities like mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism, and other similar conditions. It's been reported that she currently has the mental capacity of a three month old baby.
Ashley's parents, like other parents, were concerned about how they would care for a special needs child like this. But, unlike other parents, they took an unprecedented step to ask her Seattle doctors to perform what was described as "growth-attenuated" treatment.
Essentially, this type of treatment, prevents physical growth and keeps Ashley in her physical child-like state. Her parents made the argument that Ashley could be more easily cared for in this state. Ashley could be moved easily from place to place and she'll have a better opportunity to interact with other family members.
Who approved this radical treatment? Well, this was reviewed and approved by the hospital ethics committee before the treatments were done - including hysterectomy, removal of breast buds, and high does of estrogen to stunt her growth."
Sorry, couldn't be bothered to summarize it myself, so this is from Doctor Anonymous.
More more can be found on parent's blog

Now honestly, I am not really interested in this particular child's fate, nor am I in the position to comment or form a true opinion, but I think this sparks a very valid and important discussion on a very important issue in general. So please assume all thoughts below just incited, but not necessarily commenting on this specific case…

I think my chain of thoughts are best understood by explaining the different motions I went through after having heard/read about it:

First I was like "wow, how extreme". Think about it, what they do to this human being, how intrusive a treatment! They neuter a human being, keep it small and light through a mix of operations and hormone therapy. In doing so they show how depraved by creating an abomination. Well I didn't really think that, it was more on an emotional level, but I think that captures it. Or maybe it was a mix of sym/empathy with the little being and disgust about those actions.

Then - getting back into rational mode - I was more like "how can you", you do simply not have the right to do these things. At that point, I hadn't drawn the reference to how we neuter cats, how we cut dogs's ears and pigs' tails but somehow it seems as if for certain creatures we have the right to inflict certain drastic measures for "their own good". Or wasn't this what they told the tomcat before his operation?
Now then again we also do kill animals for food, fur OR as a matter of mercy and compassion.
Ok, I don't want to go down that route at all, except one thought: what is the determinant? The ability to speak for yourself, mental abilities, self awareness, or is it just power of the inflictors? No matter what we say, and loving to eat a stake from time to time I deceive myself into believing it is about the level of self-awareness that makes pain and death less horrible, but not fooling myself, I feel it is solely about power…

So got it I thought the bastards just do it for themselves. The parents, so that they have an easy live, the doctors to have some fun and publications. But lets take a step back: Can I not believe that the parents acted in the best interest of their daughter, actually really improving her quality of life: Yes it is correct, she will never grow up to have children, it is unlikely to nil that treatment for her condition will be found and even if, in say 10 or 20 years, how could this revert her mental condition at that point, keeping in mind that the main synaptical formations happen in the earliest stages of life.
Being like a flower, well she seems to grasp happiness, pain and sadness, but from the descriptions seems to have less self awareness than say the cat downstairs, and definitively less reactive capabilities (psychologically and physically) than that furry being.
So yes, she is easier handled as light weight, she wont have bed-sores, and believe me I have seen those on patients, and you do want to prevent those.

So this is it then, was it the right decision then?
Well I believe partially yes
. Of course we do have all those religious fanatics out there saying we should not interfere with nature, leave nature its own course. Oh, fuck off. Then we shouldn't go to the dentist, shouldn't treat broken limbs, shouldn't take antibiotics. Shouldn't also farm, fuck, move even?

And Ashley's parents could have just done what a lot of parent's would have done - and noone not in the same situation should judge on that - namely drop her into some kind of institution: done. Dealt with.

But they didn't. How altruistic, how generous.
And for some strange reason, this is what makes me weary.
It's a mixture of things they do/did and how they talk about the little girl. What the fuck is a "Pillow Angel"? Really!
To me it massively smells like frustrated parent's (sure they are) last grasp to delude themselves of having a normal live. It tastes like desperation and the utterly selfish to drive to possess.
It feels as if the parents were compensating on the expenses of their daughter. Munchausen By Proxy comes to mind somehow…

So does this mean I agree with the treatment in general, but not necessarily in specific cases, that is if ill motivated? Well lets take it a step further, lets think about radical solutions:
Even visibly neutering her body, keeping her childlike, being so concerned about sexual abuse (didn't they say she will always be cared for by her family)? Is this just American primal fear that abuse and political incorrectness is everywhere? Removing certain organs because she might have problems with them later sounds good in the first moment, but then again, why not cut her arms off? She cant use them anyway. Then dope her up on H and make her really happy…
Where is the point to stop?

Eugenics anyone?
I am really pro-euthanasia in general, but how about people who cant consent for themselves. Well then we are back at the discussion above about the borderline between humans and animals. To the latter we have decided that we can do as much as we like - more or less - so wouldn't it be more merciful to actually…
I don't know and I am happy to not have to make such decisions, but I am pretty concerned that a precedence is created that will help (other) selfish parents to go on ego-wanking on such basis.
Actually the Swiss artist H.R. Giger who worked with Dali and Jodoriwski on Dune, has created the Alien and more important lots of deeply Freudian and disturbing images and sculptures has created this some years ago. Does this capture the above discourses essence?

I believe that what Giger's art is all about is the trauma of birth, so I believe his artwork is less about control than about protection? - thinking about it, there seems to be a weired fascination with control over children: .

Let's be honest, we all know how self-delusional people can be. Especially when it comes to having or not having children (here). And if something goes wrong even worse. Now then lets all get into self control mode, and raise our easy to feed, easy to tend for "Pillow Angels", breed our own portable Bbonsai Kittens.

On a small side note: You might have realized that this is not the place for political correctness or enraged discussions about principles. So let me tell just mention, that although I generally agree with the writeress of this blog I also want to stress again that I can just laugh and shake my head about why some frustrated women are always trying to subvert everything they can to their course. Why the fuck is this a feminist issue? What if it was a boy? You are not seriously saying this wouldn't have happened to a boy? Grow up, and see this as what it is, a pharmacological solution for a social failure - the fact that American society does not do what it should to help severely disabled children and their families says Arthur Caplan, PhD, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania.

What does strike me strange her, and that just on a side note, is that the treatment has started in 2004 and there has been going on a massive discussion in the medical community for years, so slightly surprised that the media are NOW getting so excited about it and then suddenly everyone else...
I believe it is as with every other news, it is not about it being actual, important or interesting, just about being found and then being marketed correctly...
has everyone actually gone through the pain of really looking into whether this is actually true, or just a big scam? now I know they quote medical journals etc, but has anyone actually bothered checking whether this research exists? I havent... as I said I am more interested in the discussion than the actual case.


I have just realized who the most obsessed group of people on this planet are: and it is not Japanese business men buying pussy in a can see here if that sounds intriguing - ah I thought so, are we back yet? - no seriously, it seems to be women (couples?) with a child-wish.
And by that I do no mean the ones who haven't got a partner yet, and whose biological clock is ticking…
I am thinking about those who have it more difficult, those that go through IVF treatments. And really there is nothing wrong with this, but all the panic, effort, obsession and money around this, surely feels kind of wrong!

Now I was listening to this BBC4 radioshow about women who cant get pregnant and those who "want to help" - totally self-less of course - - and amongst those those who are in favour of IWF and those who oppose it. What I realized was how DESPERATE women can get, and to me, honestly it seems to be bordering to an obsession at a concerning level. Is it society that puts up the pressures, peers, the women themselves?
I don't know, what I heard, made it very clear, that with every failure it gets more difficult and those women are prepared to go through more and more pains to try again, without clear understanding of all aspects of it in many cases as it seems:

It is expensive of course, but I am not just talking money here. Serious hormonal treatments. Risk of cancer and other disorders later in live.
One women quoted on the show impertinence/brutishness to complain about having gained weight and now being concerned about (future) health risks after her 4th or so IVF treatment. Good god girl, grow up! You should have used your brain! If you weren't good for that, how would you have raised children?! Use your brain. What did you think those pills they gave you were? Dietary supplements?
Does this not show that these people are not aware in the slightest of what they do? Now of course you could argue if they shag they are neither, so why should they be here? Point taken. But if society supports them, then it becomes our responsibility as well, so…

Because NHS (that the British government health system) presumably has a note in their mission statement to support the right for a child of every women see BBC on that. What a weird right. Nature guarantees that and we must not take it away, but apart from that... I understand where it is coming from, but some things shouldn't be regulated. Like the right for work. The regulation must be against its negation. Otherwise society becomes responsible for its fulfilment which might be not possible.
Now I wonder where this is coming from. This doesn't sound like governmental altruism, that sounds more like pharmaceutical industry and fertility clinics pushing their own dividend-focused agenda into a government funded general-good coat.

So is this - too - a problem of society not being able to deal with an issue, and its major corporations (who are obviously, but easily forgotten also part of that society).

How about those children, perceived by IVF? There are currently 3M of them worldwide, but all of them quite young. We do not have any long-term studies of how they develop, or rather what side-effects their way of perception might develop for them… Isnt that a little careless of a sooo loving mother?

Now think about it, what kind of parent can these people be, should it really work out at some point. Surely they will let go of their obsession and be the most relaxed and easy going parent… you bet… If I was mean I link to this. And even if you argue that parents conceiving the "normal" way, are statistically not better - I would event end to agree - so please, nevertheless, make an effort and let go, if it doesn't work, just your own sake and happiness.

OkOk, I am not in this situation (yet?) so I can easily talk, but surely, no-one can have everything they want, so get real! There are other strong instincts within us which we (kind of) managed to overcome control, so make an effort for Christ's sake…

Interesting enough, there are studies that suggest that a VAST number of women with problems to get pregnant, can get pregnant much easier when stress levels are reduced, through cognitive therapy etc, without the use hormonal treatment etc… Of course this is strongly opposed by the IVF industry mentioned above. I wonder why…

This morning at the bus-stop

Music you want to listen to while reading this:
azorlight: Up All Night: Up All Night, In the City

I cant believe it, am I passing this morning "the junction" and see a blond girl standing there, hey what fantastic on an early winter morning, nice legs, high heels, short skirt, ahh yes, but hang on, yellow plastic bag? Black bold font? "selfridges" hang on, this is fucking Dalston, Hackney, with its tourist sights being crack-dens and murdermile.

This is not Kensington, nor Maryelebone and definitvely notnot even Notting Hill. This cant be! Where is the world going, if self-respecting Dalston girls cavs Dalston Girls have to carry Selfridges bags, maybe have to go shopping there? I tend to believe that she couldn’t afford another bag, found this in the trashcan somewhere and…
Looking back, and nearly hitting a lorry on my mat-black Aluminium Specialized Track Cycle – no gears, breaks though - , I understand what most likely has happened, and that is even worse: this Burberry clad girl and her man moved to Dalston, because they heard it is up and coming, cool even, artists and underground, but hey, safe and developed now, getting the underground – EastLondonLine extension - and the Olympics are coming close, haha to Stratford (no comment).
Please god, please don’t have those people move here.
Have you realized how house prices have risen? exploded? obscene!
Hang on…
Sorry, am back now. Had to throw up and then sell my flat for an obscene amount of money - hehe
and move to greece, have party all night long at the beach. hey Georgina, what was the name of this club at the sea?

but I honestly cant believe I have to live with the up-and coming, when those arrive with their three-whiled buggies – I actually cant believe it, while I am sitting outside in a café writing this, daddy is passing by with such one pushing his spoiled brat along, and me being paralyzed with fear and astonishment, have to witness another one, and another one, three in four minutes. I should have know, this is Church Street, what am I doing here?
So all you hypocrites who want it creative and edgy, and underground, but not too much, the arousal but not the pain, the coolness but not the dirt, Dalston is waiting…
Now get me right, I don’t sympathize – rather despise –those would-be left-winged, anarchist, Hypocrites who want to "free" Broadway Market of capitalist influences (say oppression) – I do kind of with their ideas, but realize that reality sometimes is different and that I am not prepared to do what might be right in the light of the pains of achieving it – and I surely don’t pretend to be so socialist and then run around in the latest left-wing designer fashion, but Yuppies? God forgive…
Why don’t you stay in the suburbian safety of your parent’s houses and dig your graves in SecondLive?

Why being political correct sucks

Music you want to listen to while reading this:
Nirvana Nevermind
The Doors in Concert: The End

I want a virus that turns all the pages on the internet green and red if you are colour blind, positions all relevant content under the dots of your Diabetic Retinopathy, flashes to trigger a epileptic seizures, disables elevators, morphes ramps into stairs, walls into mirror to show you your own ugly selfishness and societies queer understanding of equality and political correctness!

Why? Because our society is not about inclusion or equal opportunities, it is about selfishness (link secondlife), it is about making a point, about following items to the point no matter whether they are needed, wanted or reasonable, it is all about wanting and doing because you have the right to…

You don’t agree?
Some examples for the thick ones:
- Years ago I was working for a major (American) investment company, creating an image video. Brief “video to communicate the enterprise as global, multicultural, society-interfacing and responsible… yadayadayada”. Ok so we go shooting video in the city: business people (we thought about having a good ethical cross-section! Oh yes we did) commuting, shopping, city life, people in parks, fountains, trees, and hey, children playing – school-children in uniforms (a sign of future, growth, life…) No. So Wrong.
Impossible were told.
How could we?!

A sign of paedophilia. Pornographic! We were told by top management.
Exucse me?
Out of question, such footage.
Now is this the managers’ fault, or of the society in general? Not sure, but does it matter? Or who actually IS society?

- travelling on the train the other day and being told off as I wanted to secure my bike to the specifically designed bike space: sorry not before 830!
Well the association of disable people is writing letters to the train operator apparently complaining that they cannot pass through the train.
Let me tell you: in one year, I have not seen a single person with a walking disability on that train. So? There could be one. Right, but that is the point! Everything within reason!
The point I a making is that this is excessive, if one were there I would happily remove my bike. Apart from the fact that what if he travelled after 830 I could give him the finger?
And that the space between the seats is much less than the space between the walls and my cycle, so come on, fuck off, that is opression of the masses by a noisy minority and we are so politically correct not to be allowed to even mention it. My arse! Or is it actually not the minority? Are theses so-called disableds possibly embarrassed by what some non-minority moralists do in their name? I guess the truth is somewhere in the middle.

- Ahh, while talking about accessibility. Website accessibility: one of my favourites. Instead of forcing the minority to adopt better tools the majority is asked to accept reduction of benefits to accommodate those that might not use the services anyway. Makes no sense? Get me right, accessibility is great. But within reason, please

- Working currently in another company where Project Managers handle multimillion dollar projects and a billion dollar IT budge, but are not allowed to decide how to walk stairs, or whether to put a lid on their coffee cups. Lids on coffee cups? Oh, you could spill your coffee and burn someone to death.
Oh yeah, an employee died falling down stairs because she didn’t hold the handrail. Supposedly. Right!
Fucking hell, I would love to die that way, just for the freedom of making my own decision. This is not about dangers someone couldn’t foresee. This is about intrusion into personal freedom! Cant you see what you are loosing? Or maybe you never wanted freedom on the first place?
I cant believe it, this global energy supplier actually published a multi page (statistical) report on employees’ stair-walking behaviour. Can you believe it? Someone is charged with checking up on how employees walk stairs up and down and then write a report on it? Honestly East-Germany history comes to mind…

Now where is this coming from?
It is a very bad mix of fear and greed, selfishness, fear and jealousy and schadenfreude:
Fear and greed: people suing companies, individuals governments because they can. And those entities are being afraid of it so they make rules. Rules we want because we are so afraid that those terrible things – which we supposedly can not deal with or avoid – will happen. The same fuckers however complain about increasing cost of insurances and taxes. Curse on both your houses! That is the American and their Poodles for you…
Selfishness, because people don’t seem to care about freedom (their own and that of their fellow citizens) they only seem to be interested in their own advantage no matter what the cost or impact, not realizing others will do the same, and all will be regimented strongly in the end.
Most of all, and worst: fear and jealousy that someone else would dare to do something you cant do because you don’t have the courage to. You want to takte thje risk and therefore no-one else should be allowed to either.
Prohibit pornography and ambling, because you cant take your eyes away from those latex clad tits and pussies, because you cant control loosing money at Poker, be honest, admit that you need protection, and you alone don’t claim altruism.
And a German one: Schadenfreude: yeah right, find a fault in someone else and denigrate her. That seems to be the major fun for people in general Fucking swot.

Or is it that we just love rules, regulations and control? The infamous freedom of the slave, the total freedom of not to have to make a decision? you know your Orwell
So let me tell you, you weak, scared, jealous people out there, not all of us are like that, leave us alone!!! And to those who are impartial: the restrictions will be worth than then benefits, so fucking start acting…